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Conversations with no one about nothing

Dialogues happen between Alexis and others through email, YouTube, meetings, and daily conversations. Some of these answers can be found here.

Alexis and Sam



Q: Do you have any info on how to reach that state?

A: This may be a disappointing answer for you, but it is not something that anyone can achieve because there is no one really here.


The whole construct of personhood is a dream of separation and no one is in control of that. In other words, choice and freewill is part of the illusion of separation, or 'unenlightenment'.

When the energetic contraction of separation is receptive and seemingly ready, it will fade away and then no one is left. Meetings, talks, words on Non-Duality can seem to assist that, but again there is no knowing or promise that will happen, and contracted energy is already boundless energy appearing as contracted so there is no need for it to collapse anyway, it's already done.

A: Meditation, Yoga, breathwork, Qi Gong etc. these are all wonderful practices that can lead to intense experiences, blissful states, Samadhi, outer body experience, psychedelic experiences etc. Nothing wrong with any of that. I went with all of these for many years, changing perceptions and sensations but separation persisted because there was still the deep-rooted belief that 'I was getting somewhere'. That dream of separation sees the apparent baseline as boring, ordinary, mundane and therefore not enough.


There is nothing wrong with practices of any kind, so that is made clear, but it has nothing to do with Liberation, and this will only be obvious when the dream of separation is no more.


When liberation is revealed to have always been, there is simply no need to change what is because everything is already intensely beautiful, mysterious and full of wonder.



Q: Hi Alexis, Thanks a lot for your nonduality talks. I have a question that's been buggin' my mind and this is a story of course.

If Peter falls asleep and dreams a long dream of radical non duality (and everything else too ), how do we know that we're not just just inside his dream? What I mean is we can't possibly know what's outside the dream, right. Even nothingness could just be dreamt.

I'm quite sure it's just my mind playing just another trick on me, but maybe you can clarify this for me:-)

Kind regards

A: Hello, thank you for your question. It is a very valid one from the point of view of separation. 


It's likely that thoughts like this are the reason that Non-Duality gets a lot of criticism because from the perspective of separation, it seems like there is a self that is negating itself, and as a result there can be an assumption that what is being suggested is purely just another dream of the absence of separation. And it is legitimate to have such concerns and thoughts on the matter.


What is being shared here is not coming from someone, the communication penetrates the illusory nature of freewill and choice and separation. Separation is duality, it is the experience of someone being aware of something, everything, everyone, and also being aware of oneself. All it knows is objects, and it even tries to turn itself into an object that it can know (self enquiry/self abidance).


It will never understand that outside of its dualistic dream, there is no duality, that there is no real self, it is a dream that no one wakes up from. And when waking up apparently happens there is no longer a sense of self, inside, outside, here, there, subject, object, and that is obvious and abundant for no one, it is like an empty vessel of the body just continuing with its conditioning and preferences etc. without anyone inside trying to achieve something, or understand something or resisting experience and craving for other experience.


So if non-duality is apparently a dream, it is a dream that no one is having, and because no one is having it, it doesn't matter, because no one is there for it to matter. But more profoundly, when separation is apparently over for the body, everything just simply 'fits'. There is no longer an existential worry, concern, or agitation, everything is revealed as already whole, boundless, stunningly ordinary, and just simply what it is, without any need for anything different, and so although that is unknowable, it is paradoxically energetically obvious that wholeness is everything already, and separation was a strange dream of an unreal past...


Apparently 😄


Much Love 🙏



Q: Hi Alexis, I've heard you say everything that appears is what is longed for. Is it wholeness that is longing for it, if wholeness is all there is?

A: Wholeness is what's longed for,

Wholeness is all there is,

Wholeness appears as illusory separation,

Therefore its wholeness appearing as a longing for wholeness,

It's never found, the looking stops.



Q: Hello Alexis, thanks for your kind answers. Nothing or No-thing? I just wanna clarify this intellectually although I heard you saying it's not understandable. My problem is I still insist that there gotta be something called no-thing or nothing or whatever for something to appear from it.

A: Yes, nothing and no thing are just 2 ways of talking about that which can't be defined or known. You want intellectual clarification but that does not lead anywhere, and this does not have intellectual answers, and if it does that only leads to more questions.


You're thirst for knowledge will never be satisfied with what's being shared here because it's nothing to do with intellectual understanding. And something does not appear from nothing, this is nothing simultaneously being everything. It's timeless. This nothing is not some void where there is just empty space and everything magically appears out of it.


THIS, everything that is, is nothing, no thing, not a thing, empty and full, form and formless, nothing and everything. It's a paradox that does not make sense.


'If you think you understand Quantum Mechanics, you don't understand Quantum Mechanics'. Perhaps the same can be said of Non Duality, although even if you think you don't understand it, you still don't understand it. 

Q:  Hi Alexis, what are the problems one will face if this message is applied?

A: When people try to apply this, it's usually misinterpreted as cold, bleak, detachment, nonsense, brainwashing, and/or nihilistic.

An apparent self that denies they are a self, pretending they aren't really there might try to shun responsibility, saying things like 'I'm not here, so it doesn't matter', lack of caring about anyone, or anything, etc.

In many ways, this communication is misinterpreted by the separate self to either reject it, ridicule it, or make use of it. It isn't useful, it destroys the seeker by exposing the illusion of separation. Ultimately it is pointing out there is no one to apply it.





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