Q: The dream of enlightenment seems to be a very lucrative one.
A: Yes. It's dreamily floating on a bed of marshmallows through a crystal clear sky. Just being carried elegantly through the various realms and in total ecstasy and bliss beyond imagination. It sounds lovely. A bit like a nice psychedelic trip forever. I mean naturally what separate self-illusion doesn't want that? It’s very innocent and sweet and wonderfully naive as well but it's understandable. It sounds great to someone.
Q: What about being in pain and suffering because of being with what is. even if there is no one how could i end my suffering?
A: There is no being with what is, there just is what is, there is no one having pain, there is just pain, the illusion is that the pain belongs to someone. When that illusion is revealed and dispersed, there is just simply pain and response, but no one does it.
Q: I remember I used to like listening to another person talk about non-duality. For the first 6 months they spoke in a very similar way to Tony Parsons. Enjoyable to listen too, then it was almost overnight they had watered down their message to more of a teaching such as from Eckhart Tolle. In fact very similar to Eckhart. What do you feel happens in such scenarios? What's happening in an Eckhart Tolle type of awakening compared to what's talked about here? Something similar?
A: Yes, all the time there is a separation experience, there is relating, which includes relating to people and relating to concepts of non-duality.
What could have happened for these people is that there was still a separation experience with a joy and resonance for this 'message', but as they share their understanding it doesn't seem to be uttering itself, it is coming from a position, and a position will always be susceptible to defense, offense, moving from and towards, and of course compromising with 'an other'.
When the whole illusion of self and other, subject and object, inside and outside, and awareness itself collapses, there is no moving from or to a position, there is just pure spontaneity which effortlessly carries itself. It is all there is and isn't, and that is already the case.
Q: Hi Alexis, I've heard you say everything that appears is what is longed for. Is it wholeness that is longing for it, if wholeness is all there is?
A: Wholeness is what's longed for,
Wholeness is all there is,
Wholeness appears as illusory separation,
Therefore its wholeness appearing as a longing for wholeness,
It's never found, the looking stops.
Q: Hello Alexis, thanks for your kind answers. Nothing or No-thing? I just wanna clarify this intellectually although I heard you saying it's not understandable. My problem is I still insist that there gotta be something called no-thing or nothing or whatever for something to appear from it.
A: Yes, nothing and no thing are just 2 ways of talking about that which can't be defined or known. You want intellectual clarification but that does not lead anywhere, and this does not have intellectual answers, and if it does that only leads to more questions.
You're thirst for knowledge will never be satisfied with what's being shared here because it's nothing to do with intellectual understanding. And something does not appear from nothing, this is nothing simultaneously being everything. It's timeless. This nothing is not some void where there is just empty space and everything magically appears out of it.
THIS, everything that is, is nothing, no thing, not a thing, empty and full, form and formless, nothing and everything. It's a paradox that does not make sense.
'If you think you understand Quantum Mechanics, you don't understand Quantum Mechanics'. Perhaps the same can be said of Non Duality, although even if you think you don't understand it, you still don't understand it.
Q: Hi Alexis, what are the problems one will face if this message is applied?
A: When people try to apply this, it's usually misinterpreted as cold, bleak, detachment, nonsense, brainwashing, and/or nihilistic.
An apparent self that denies they are a self, pretending they aren't really there might try to shun responsibility, saying things like 'I'm not here, so it doesn't matter', lack of caring about anyone, or anything, etc.
In many ways, this communication is misinterpreted by the separate self to either reject it, ridicule it, or make use of it. It isn't useful, it destroys the seeker by exposing the illusion of separation. Ultimately it is pointing out there is no one to apply it.
Q: Do you have any info on how to reach that state?
A: This may be a disappointing answer for you, but it is not something that anyone can achieve because there is no one really here.
The whole construct of personhood is a dream of separation and no one is in control of that. In other words, choice and freewill is part of the illusion of separation, or 'unenlightenment'.
When the energetic contraction of separation is receptive and seemingly ready, it will fade away and then no one is left. Meetings, talks, words on Non-Duality can seem to assist that, but again there is no knowing or promise that will happen, and contracted energy is already boundless energy appearing as contracted so there is no need for it to collapse anyway, it's already done.​​​​