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This is a list of the weekly and monthly meetings that Alexis facilitates online
Meetings are recorded for public viewing, but 1:1s can be kept confidential upon request.
All meetings are currently in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), so please check your timezone before booking & joining.

Monthly Zoom Intensive
There will be extensive Zoom meetings in March with breaks.
March 8th - 1 PM - 5 PM GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
March 9th - 1 PM - 5 PM GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
For both days: £25
For one day: £15.
Please contact via email for more details:
Click here to join:

These meetings begin with a welcome and introduction. Then there is a space to share ideas and suggestions which will be exchanged and communicated with Alexis.
Leicester 8:00 - 9:00 p.m GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
Click to join via Zoom:

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Personalised meetings
Alexis also accepts 1:1 meetings in person and on Zoom to explore Non-Duality with people who request, these sessions are up to 1 hour and are £40 to attend.
Alexis will contact you via email or phone to book the session with you upon booking.

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